Tuesday, January 28, 2014

(Mini) Concert: Jake Bugg

I woke up on the morning of the 22nd and immediately checked my email. Alas, no message from KINK saying I won a spot in the Bing Lounge to see Jake Bugg do a short set and interview. I figured 'what do I have to lose?', so I called the station to see if I might be able to get in. Sure enough, the nice man in charge of the shows, David I believe was his name, said that he'd put me on the list and to come on down. Hurray!

The performance started at 1, but I took the 11:30 bus from my house which put me in line at about noon. The crowd was a mix of teenage girls, and middle aged (and older) people. Lisa, the bubbly woman who gives out tickets and is basically the front of house for the events at the lounge started passing out tickets down the line. I was second in line, and because I was alone I got the ticket for row A seat 1. Literally the first seat. I thought I was only going to get standing room, so that was awesome!

He played four songs, and did a short interview, but for some reason I couldn't find the other song and interview video, so you can find them herehere, and here.

Storm Passes Away

Lightning Bolt

He had to run off after the show so there was no meet and greet which was a bummer, but it was a great set!

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