Sunday, October 6, 2013

Concert: Fiona Apple

Natalie Behring/Getty Images

Wow, so on Thursday I went to see Fiona Apple play at the Newmark Theater in downtown Portland. The show started a half hour late, and when the four musicians finally came out it seemed a little disjointed. Fiona was all over the place, and kept taking different pieces of bark and sticks out of a plastic tub she brought on stage with her. My parents who had both seen her before told me that she was always like this when she performed (eccentric and scattered). Nevertheless, the woman can sing.

Her and Blake Mills alternated between songs, and there were some really lovely moments. And then one person had to ruin everything. "Get healthy, we want to see you in ten years!" some woman shouted. Fiona said "Oh you fucked up" and started to become visibly distressed. It was bizarre. I couldn't tell where the shouting dumbass was sitting, but she actually demanded that the house lights be brought up so she could watch the woman leave.

The show almost ended right there, but she plowed on through one more song before calling it quits. There were only two more songs left on the setlist when she walked off, but still. Yikes.

And if it wasn't bad enough that the one woman shouted something, EVERYONE ELSE JOINED IN. Giving their two cents about it. "Don't listen to that bitch!", "Don't let her win!", "You're beautiful!".

People just needed to keep their mouths shut.

Lots of media outlets reported on the events of that night. Oregon LiveStereogumRolling Stone, and even The Huffington Post.

It was an unfortunate end to what should have been an evening of fun collaboration.

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