Thursday, October 17, 2013

Concert: Metric

Well, Metric killed it as per usual last night at the Roseland Theater! I was in line at 5pm as I had gotten out of class earlier and didn't want to go home only to have to leave a half hour later... I was first in line and at the front of the stage right at the barricade. They played the usual Gold Guns Girls, Dead Disco, Speed The Collapse, Youth Without Youth, Help I'm Alive...etc. They finished the night with an acoustic version of Gimmie Sympathy which they've done the last two times I've seen them (this was number five). The crowd were all singing along, and it was a blast.

Unfortunately the guy who was standing next to me happened to be an asshole who kept trying to push me out of the way... This happens to me sometimes because I'm small and people think they can take advantage of me because I'm just this little girl. That's when I introduce them to Mr. & Mrs. Elbow. They guy kept switching places with this woman who was behind him (who was the initial asshole). It was all kinda lame, and I heard the woman bitching to the guy about me shoving and I flat out said "I'm not intentionally trying to shove anyone. I've been here since 5pm and I'm not moving from this spot." Then later on in the show when they both were shoving and pushing me I looked at them and said "Really?" like, come on..

There was someone doing something they shouldn't have been doing in the crowd at one point and three of the security guards were trying to find the person and stood right in front of me so I couldn't really see anything. Emily Haines (the lead singer) actually came over to the edge of the stage and shooed them out of the way!

She was talking about how she wanted to rip down the barricade and she would have if she were younger, but now that she was older she didn't want to disrespect the venue and had compassion for the people who worked there so she didn't do anything.

And, of course, I got the setlist:

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